mega tama globalindo
Company History
Mega Tama Globalindo, PT is a company that produces high quality briqueites from coconut shell material, We starling our business as a machine builder. In our workshop we made nur own modification machine especially for briquelte. We have had over 15 years experiences producing high quality machine fur many factories.
As our business growing we start to make our own briquette. After many tries and errors we finally had nur own composition of the best quality coconut shell charcoal. Now nur product is a leading market in domestic and recent years we expand abread to fulfil the needs of our satisfied customers. We have market in Europe, and Middle East.
Our Merits
Unique and creative solutions that meet the clients’ expectations not only by realizing ihe clients’ business objectives, but particularly by our strict adherence tn the principles of excellent production support. Continuous search Our opportunities beyond the agree communications and business objectives. Creative approaches to the clients* special needs in order to find unique and tailored product solutions and strong technological background.